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Dc Motor Driver Circuit Using Uln2003

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The ULN2003 stepper motor driver board allows you to easily control the 28BYJ-48 stepper motor from a microcontroller, like the Arduino Uno. One side of the board side has a 5 wire socket where the cable from the stepper motor hooks up and 4 LEDs to indicate which coil is currently powered. The motor cable only goes in one way, which always helps.

Imagine that you want to control the stepper motor with any microcontroller, Arduino, PIC, MCS51, and others. But we can’t drive it directly. We need to have a good helper. I recommend ULN2003.

Why should we use it?

Mar 04, 2019 Connecting the 28BYJ-48 stepper motor to the ULN2003 driver board. Usually, the 28BYJ-48 stepper motor comes with a 5-pin connector that will fit to the ULN2003 driver board. Connecting the ULN2003 driver board to the Arduino. Connect the ULN2003 driver lN1, lN2, lN3, lN4 to the Arduino digital pins 8, 9, 10, and 11 respectively. ULN2003A is a seven darlington array IC that can drive inductive loads like a DC motor. Arduino does have 6 PWM output pins 9,10,11, 3,5 and 6 respectively.

It is an IC driver relay, motor widely used for driving many relays. It is suitable for use in automated control tasks that have a total of 7 operation channels, working independently with each other. Or we called 7 Channel Transistor Arrays.

We can use it to work instead of many transistors. Therefore making the circuit smaller And less complicated as well.

ULN2003 Features(Why use it)

  • We can use logic devices like Digital Gates, Arduino, PIC, etc to control it directly.
  • It includes 7 high-voltage and high current Darlington pairs inside
  • Each pair is rated for 50V and 500mA
  • We can trigger the Input pins by +5V
  • All 7 Output pins can connect to drive loads up to (7×500mA) about 3.5A.
  • Available in 16-pin DIP

ULN2003 Datasheet and pinout

See in the block diagram or its pinout.

See the logic diagram in IC. Inside, there is already a diode. Therefore, when connecting to the Relay, no additional Diode must be connected.

ULN2003 internal circuit and Pin Configuration

The internal circuit uses connecting Darlington transistor. Resulting in using only a small amount of current to drive the relay.

How to use each pin

  • The INPUTs
    Pin 1 to Pin 7 is the input 1 to input 7. They have the 7 Input pins of Darlington pair, each pin is connected to the base of the transistor and can be triggered by using +5V.
  • The OUTPUTs
    Pin 10 to pin 16 is Output 1 to Output 7. They are respective outputs of seven input pins. Each output pin will connect to ground only when its respective input pin is high(+5V)
  • The Ground of circuit
  • COM Use as test pins. They are optional to use

Example ULN2003 circuits

What is more? see how it in example circuits below

Arduino DC stepper motor driver circuit

Dc motor driver circuit using uln2003 system

See in the simple circuit below. Using Arduino to drive DC stepper motor using ULN2003.

PIC Microcontroller 5 Relay Driver circuit

Uln2003 driver board pdf

See in the simple circuit below. Using Arduino to drive DC stepper motor using ULN2003.

PIC Microcontroller 5 Relay Driver circuit

Then, see the 12V Relay driver circuit using PIC microcontroller (PIC16F877A).

Stepper motor driver using parallel port

This is an easy to build stepper motor driver that will allow you to precisely control a unipolar stepper motor through your computer’s parallel port. With a stepper motor you can build a lot of interesting gadgets such as robots, elevator, PCB drilling mill, camera panning system, automatic fish feeder, etc. If you have never worked with stepper motors before you will surely have a lot of fun with this project.

But This Stepper Motor Controller Connection Diagrams use 2 port voltage are 5Volt and 12V and four resistors , a zener diode. Racial bonuses dnd 5e.

The Four-Wire Connection the ULN2003 (High-Voltage High-Current Darlington Transistor Array
)/ MC1413 is a 7-bit 50V 500mA TTL-input NPN Darlington driver. This is more than adequate to control a four phase unipolar stepper motor such as the KP4M4-001.


This circuit is not design PCB. If you do not want to design own PCB. Or use universal PCB Board that difficult.

I would recommend DC 5V 4-Phase 5-Wire Arduino Stepper Motor with ULN2003 Driver Board

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Uln2003 Stepper Driver

  • When you need to be able to reverse the DC motor then the complexity of a H-bridge is needed. When all you need to do is control the motor or even PWM it then there's this wonderful 3-pin IC called a 'MOSFET'. Yeah, and what's more, they are usually rated to handle many 10's of amps so that motor stall should never be a problem. You can even drive them from 3.3V with only a single I/O.
    Ok, sounds over the top maybe? But it's true and it is exactly what I would use. Why use a space pen when a pencil will do?

  • Thank you all
    Here is the article.
    You just replace that micro with a Stamp (BS1 to BS2p40) or Propeller.
    The article is the level of this forum.
    So. That is how to connect Parallax micro to DC motor.
    There may still be a Parallax article or Nuts and Volts or Application Note out there somewhere like it.
    Happy holiday! 14 days til Christmas!
  • So you are not really interested in finding out how to do it then?
    How hard is it to connect the 2 wires of a DC motor?
    I've not seen you follow through on any of your 'problems'.
    Maybe you just like creating a stir?
    I could be wrong but moderators please take note.
    Happy holiday!
  • edited 2018-12-10 - 04:34:41
    'When you need to be able to reverse the DC motor then the complexity of a H-bridge is needed'
    Thank you for that.
    Will connect up some of this stuff.
    Using a 4.5 volt 3 AA battery box to power motor.
    It's a motor on a Tamiya wheel ratio kit. Turns some different diameter wheels with rubber bands for belts.
    No 'belts' on it.
    Happy holidays!
  • For those of you wandering through this thread looking for suggestions and examples of DC motor control using a Basic Stamp or Propeller, do have a look at the Nuts and Volts columns, particularly Vol 1, #23. This is a long-running series of columns in Nuts and Volts magazine most by JonnyMac on a variety of topics, complete with easy to understand discussions and explanations and practical examples.
  • microcontrolleruser,
    I thought you wanted to know how to connect 2 motors to an L293D and I have seen much better tutorials than the one you linked to.
    That's a good article and it even has something for Erco (controlling 2 motors with relays through a ULN2003).

  • Thank you Mike
    There we go a Nuts and Volts article on it. Suspected there was one out there.
    Probably an application note too.
    Thank you Genetix
    'I thought you wanted to know how to connect 2 motors to an L293D'
    Not me. That would be like saying I wanted to hook up four because I looked at ULN2003 first.
    Nope. Just one motor.
    I do not think there is an IC for just one motor.
    The L293D just throws in a circuit for extra motor. That was a common sense thing to do.
    Happy holidays!

  • Here is the L293D in a nutshell.
    Control Signals and Motor Status
    RB0/IN1 RB2/IN2 Motor Status
    LOW LOW Stops
    LOW HIGH Anti-Clockwise
    HIGH LOW Clockwise
    HIGH HIGH Stops

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